I have taken advantage of the opportunity to join clubs, Greek life, and competition teams through Purdue and the college. The clubs and fraternity I participated in allowed me to gain leadership roles that taught me a great deal about working with a team of people for the betterment of an organization. The competition teams also did this for me, and I was able to get a slightly more realistic view of what my industry had in store.
The construction management department hosts great career fairs for its students, which allows us to network and meet potential employers. An important reason for these career fairs is to get a summer internship or co-op experience. Only so much can be taught in a classroom, and these internships are priceless in teaching students about the industry. My friends and I always came back in the fall with amazing stories about what we did and learned during the summer. BCM would not be the same educational value without these experiences.
I would like to thank everyone in the Department of Building Construction Management for getting me to where I am today. This includes the administrative staff, faculty, and students. I learned a lot from all of these groups of people. Specifically, thanks to:
Prof. Brad Benhart as a competition team coach and mentor during my time at Purdue.
Loretta Lonz for helping me to get my classes in order to actually graduate on time and for always being there for a good conversation.
Fran Misch for helping me and the department with all the club and competition events over the years.
My family because, even though they were all Indiana University graduates, they supported me in coming to Purdue to pursue my desire to be in construction.
My friends for keeping grounded and for teaching me so much.