The product of a small town, Chuck Goodrich wasn’t sure he would be able to excel at Purdue, but with the guidance of Bob Kiger and others, excel he did, turning an internship at Gaylor Inc. into a full-time career. Starting as an engineering associate in 1996, Goodrich is now Gaylor’s vice president and branch manager for its Indianapolis operations.
His responsibilities include providing leadership, as well as budgeting, training, reviewing team projects, and community relations. His passion is coaching his teams to execute every project in a way that exceeds customer expectations and stays consistent with the core values of the organization. The advice and encouragement he has received from countless mentors, professors, friends, and family members are what he credits for his professional and personal successes.
Goodrich serves as Central Council Chair for the Indiana Region of Associated Building Contractors (ABC) and serves on two committees for ABC on a national level.
Spending time with his family is his primary focus away from the office. “Having such a strong family to support me has helped me in my success and perhaps, even more importantly, to know my success would be empty without them,” he says.
He enjoys golf and cheering on his beloved Colts and Boilermakers. Active in his church, he hopes to make more time to serve on mission trips in the future. Goodrich and his wife, Tricia, live in Noblesville. They have four children.
This was originally written for the Distinguished Technology Alumni Awards in 2010.