The time I spent at Purdue University and the Computer Information Technology Department laid the foundation for the success I have enjoyed since graduating. I learned technology as it applies to business, how to work in teams, how to communicate effectively with others, and, perhaps most importantly, confidence!
Doug Wheeler
Computer and Information Technology '85
profile photo

Doug Wheeler

Computer and Information Technology '85
CEO/President/Director for ScriptRx, Inc.

"I believe in maintaining a strong work ethic, listening for opportunities, leading by example, commitment to people, and the relentless pursuit of goals."

Throughout his career, Douglas A. Wheeler has conscientiously broadened his skill set beyond his computer technology education. His career documents successful experience in driving public and private high-tech business to greater shareholder value through operational and marketing turnarounds, growth strategies, and the ability to conceptualize and communicate a credible vision that empowers management and engages the attention of shareholders, press, analysts, employees, and customers.

Currently CEO, President, and Director of ScriptRx, Inc., Wheeler confesses "a bias toward action and achieving a well-understood common set of goals," ScriptRx is a privately held startup company in the healthcare informatics market. The company offers a free touchscreen based computer system for patient documentation services delivered to hospital emergency departments nationwide. Revenues are earned from pharmaceutical companies who pay to advertise and see physician prescribing habits by diagnosis.

As for his private life, Wheeler says, "I am bless to be married to an understanding, passionate, gregarious, and beautiful woman. Susan is the love of my life and the true strength of our family. We have two wonderful children, Justin (13) and Kayla (4)."

An important moment in Wheeler's life came when he heard inspirational speaker David McNally, author of the book Even Eagles Need A Push. It stressed thinking about and making critical life decisions and risk-taking.

The spoke volumes to Wheeler. As he says, "We all make choices and we make them every day. I am determined to consider my decisions carefully, commit to them with sincerity, and take more risks."

This was originally written for the Distinguished Technology Alumni Awards in 2003.