He's a proud product of central Indiana and shares the value system typical of many of his friends and neighbors. And with a career in electronics industry spanning 25 years. Jeff Dyer has never lost sight of his goals and dreams: "Penny, my wife of 20 years, shares many of my ideals, and we are passing them on to our children, our son, Kelly, and daughter, Robyn. Together, we try to contribute to our community and bring opportunity to others."
During those 25 years, Dyer has been able to assist a number of Purdue students with school projects and provide staff with teaching aids and development support. "Many things interest me and I feel fortunate that others have made it possible for me to enjoy a multitude of opportunities. For this reason, I feel compelled to provide opportunities for others," says Dyer.
On occasion, students have toured his company to see "industry in action," and have gained valuable insight. Dyer supervises all manufacturing processes and marketing functions. His experience includes engineering and establishing all process in his plant for the manufacture of printed circuit boards and conventional, multi-layer, and flexible circuits. He has established processes and procedures for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), and created links for graphics and computer numerical controlled (CNC) machining. Says Dyer with typical modesty, "I do not possess the capacity to do great things, but I hope my influence will help others do great things. I enjoy my life and I want to share my fun with others."
And that sharing extends into many community activities, including the arts, community service, and initiatives for the development of youth; and through participation in organizations such as the Anderson Area Children's Choir, the Exchange Club, Anderson Community School Foundation, and the Boy Scouts. Dyer also enjoys astronomy, reading, genealogy, and activities with his children during his leisure time.
"As I have grown over the years," says Dyer, "my interests have changed, but the common motif is involvement with other people. All of my experiences have brought me to where I am today. Purdue has had a part in this development."
This was originally written for the Distinguished Technology Alumni Awards in 2003.