Kristie West’s Purdue journey began as a pharmacy major, but after a year of classes and an internship, she learned that she needed something that was more interactive with people. She found her new home in the College of Technology’s OLS (what is now technology leadership & innovation).
“My degree in OLS gave me the fundamental skills of what it takes to be a great leader,” West says. “It taught me how to lead change, communicate effectively, manage conflict and so many other key qualities. It also taught me and encouraged me to think critically and statistically, and learn tools to use to understand and improve processes.”
She attributes much of her success to Professor Jim Windle, who inspired her as a student and in her career. “[Professor Windle] has meant the world to me throughout my career… I appreciated his encouragement and all of his support he has given to me since the day we met.”
West stays involved with campus by sitting on the Technology Leadership & Innovation Advisory Board, keeping up with Purdue athletics, guest speaking in classes, supporting events on campus for GE and much more.
Her future aspirations are to continue to grow as a leader. “I’m passionate about leading people and developing other leaders. I will continue to create and evolve cultures that will inspire and ensure success for my team.”
This profile was written for the Distinguished Technology Alumni Award program in 2015.