Student Success

Scholarship reception remarks

I thought I would share the remarks I made at the College of Technology’s Scholarship Reception that was held on Saturday, October 8, 2011, before the Purdue vs. Minnesota football game.


Good morning and welcome everyone to the College of Technology’s Scholarship Reception. What better way for me to celebrate my first 100 days as Dean than to thank individuals and businesses for your generosity and support of our students?

What makes Technology special?

The College of Technology at Purdue University is nearly 50 years old. By academic standards, that is pretty young. But by technological standards, 50 years comprises generations of innovations. What was taught 50, 25, or even 10 years ago is not what we teach today. To be sure, the foundations of our disciplines are still in tact. Yet, each academic area within the College of Technology enjoys the opportunity to interact with the needs of society and adapt to meet those needs.

Welcome to the Class of 2015

My name is Gary Bertoline, and I am the newest dean of Purdue’s College of Technology. I officially start my job July 1, so you and I will be experiencing a lot of firsts together during 2011-12.

It is my responsibility as dean to move the college forward as we continue to prepare students to be technologists in the 21st century. With hard work and strategic thinking, the college will continue to be a national leader in technology, to graduate well-prepared technology students, and to contribute to the solution of the nation’s most pressing needs.
