Eli Lilly’s current process of writing down notes and data has proven to be inefficient and possibly inaccurate at times. When meeting with the our company sponsor, it was clear that the team would work to improve on the existing, outdated augmented reality device already implemented. Our solution is to implement a device able to capture and record the exact view that the scientist has to accurately capture data. The device should be able to integrate with the Microsoft Cloud Platform (Sharepoint, Teams, Azure…) in order to funnel the data to the majority of Eli Lilly’s staff who are out of the office due to Covid 19 [1]. Through thought and consideration, our mentor decided that the RealWear HMT-1 and Microsoft HoloLens 2 is the device capable of carrying out such tasks and it is now upon us to experiment and implement the device according to our predetermined specifications. Upon continuing our project, the team has also added a functionality comparison and System Usability Study between the RealWear HMT-1 and new device, Microsoft HoloLens 2. Eli Lilly would like the team to compare the usability of each device connected to the Microsoft Suite.
Semester of Project:
Team Photo: