Team 26.5 Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge

This project is sponsored by:

Purdue University has been participating in the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge for around 10 years. The objective of our project is to improve the design of the bike, specifically in the electronics aspect. The problem faced last year was the low speed and endurance of the bike. This project will focus on the elaboration and construction of electronics for the hydraulics and an electronic control system for the bike.   

Project Details

Problem Statement

The engineering problem our team will focus on resolving is creating an efficient electronics control system for the vehicle. The end customer is a team of industry judges for the competition assessing how well we have met the challenge requirements.

Project Presentation Video

Project Demonstration Video

This project is sponsored by:

Purdue University has been participating in the Fluid Power Vehicle Challenge for around 10 years. The objective of our project is to improve the design of the bike, specifically in the electronics aspect. The problem faced last year was the low speed and endurance of the bike. This project will focus on the elaboration and construction of electronics for the hydraulics and an electronic control system for the bike.   

Semester of Project: 

Spring 2023

Team Photo: 

Team Poster: 

Problem Statement/Summary: 

The engineering problem our team will focus on resolving is creating an efficient electronics control system for the vehicle. The end customer is a team of industry judges for the competition assessing how well we have met the challenge requirements.

Project Department: 


Project Presentation Video Embed Code: 

Project Sponsor Website:

Project Sponsor: 


Project Demo Video Embed Code: 

Team Contact: