Team 35 - Design a 3D Printer

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3D printers are a recently developed technology that is still being added to and will most likely continue to be added to in the coming years. With newer developments towards 3D printing comes a continuous flow of interested people. Creating a basic understanding of the construction and rudimentary teachings on how to use a 3D printer is paramount to those who come to share the intrigue of 3D printing. Having a hands-on experience with building a 3D printer is not easily accessible to most people, however, and is more costly than most can afford.  

Project Details

Problem Statement

The problem our team will focus on solving is the accessibility and affordability of 3D printer kits for engineering students in the smart engineering lab. There are few opportunities for the understanding and development of the 3D printers to progress.

Project Presentation Video

Project Demonstration Video

This project is sponsored by:

3D printers are a recently developed technology that is still being added to and will most likely continue to be added to in the coming years. With newer developments towards 3D printing comes a continuous flow of interested people. Creating a basic understanding of the construction and rudimentary teachings on how to use a 3D printer is paramount to those who come to share the intrigue of 3D printing. Having a hands-on experience with building a 3D printer is not easily accessible to most people, however, and is more costly than most can afford.  

Semester of Project: 

Spring 2024

Team Photo: 

Team Poster: 

Problem Statement/Summary: 

The problem our team will focus on solving is the accessibility and affordability of 3D printer kits for engineering students in the smart engineering lab. There are few opportunities for the understanding and development of the 3D printers to progress.

Project Department: 


Project Presentation Video Embed Code: 

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Project Sponsor: 


Project Demo Video Embed Code: 

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