Pro-Seal requires us to use the Design of Experiments (DOE) methodology to conduct bench tests for threes types of seals at various temperatures and pressures. The type of seals that this project will focus on is the head seal and rod seal design. The results of the tests will determine the full range of the seal performance for PSP. This performance data captured and analyzed will help PSP to distribute better seal designs for their customers and allow them to be competitive with other seal distributors.
Pro-Seal requires us to use the Design of Experiments (DOE) methodology to conduct bench tests for threes types of seals at various temperatures and pressures. The type of seals that this project will focus on is the head seal and rod seal design. The results of the tests will determine the full range of the seal performance for PSP. This performance data captured and analyzed will help PSP to distribute better seal designs for their customers and allow them to be competitive with other seal distributors.