CNIT 46100
Parallel Data Systems
Credit Hours: 3.00. This course provides an introduction to the techniques and technologies used in high performance computing for developing, using and managing high performance data systems. Topics covered in this course will focus on aspects of the design, implementation, and use of high performance storage systems progressively from the hardware layer through the operating system up to the application level. Topics will include: commodity hardware and novel architectural storage components; the architecture and use of parallel file systems, including PVFS2 and Lustre; reliability and scheduling; virtualization and fault tolerant strategies for Petascale computing; system architectures for data intensive computing and workflows; parallel I/O systems; and grid and cloud computing architectures. The driving outcome for this course is for students to understand and apply advanced high performance computing concepts, architectures, and software components to develop and operate a high performance computing environment.
This course is offered by the Department of Computer and Information Technology