TECH 34000
Prototyping Technology For People
Credit Hours: 3.00. Innovating in our complex world requires us to think strategically and make the best decisions possible for both designing and business development. Accordingly, this unique course brings together perspectives from technology and business management to iteratively prototype innovative solutions to student-selected problems. This process will include creating prototypes in a variety of media, using the appropriate methods/tools, as well as exploring the processes and biases related to how people process information and make decisions. This type of work will help to guide the innovation process by gaining insights from testing prototypes and interacting with people to deepen one's understanding of customer needs, market segments, costs of goods, competitor operations, and market strategies. At the conclusion of the course, students will pitch a viable design solution and business model for a validated problem to a variety of potential investors and/or stakeholders. Note: This class engages the material in both the classroom and innovation labs. Students of all levels of experience, will explore tools/programs related to computer aided design, 3D printing, app development, and digital prototyping.
This course is offered by the Polytechnic Institute Administration