Purdue Polytechnic offers several technology camps throughout the year, providing high school students the opportunity to come to campus, learn about Polytechnic degree programs, gain hands-on experience, and socialize with other students who have similar interests and aspirations. Here are the camps coming up in the next few months.
- CLAIMiT! Camp (Communicating Leadership and Advancing Innovation for Minorities in Technology, November 11, 2017) helps 9th-12th graders find out how technology is more than a machine or a gadget. It’s a way of thinking about today’s challenges and overcoming them with innovation, creativity and hard work.
- DO iT! Camp (Discovering Opportunities in Technology, February 22-24, 2018) helps young women in 11th grade discover why Purdue Polytechnic degrees and the career options they offer may be right for them. It includes hands-on lab activities, academic break-out sessions, and social activities with members of the Women in Technology student organization.
- VISION Camp (March 22-24, 2018). At Vision, 11th graders will experience technology projects firsthand, from computer animation and programming to electronics in toys, and from airplanes to important leadership skills.