The United Way of Greater Lafayette exceeded its 2013 campaign fundraising goal of $4.9 million.
Faculty, staff and students within the College of Technology contributed $15,604 to the Purdue University total of $755,000.
Devona Gangwer, administrative assistant for the Office of Academic Affairs and Diversity, was the 2013 chairperson for the college's campaign. Janet Ebershoff, assistant to the dean, was co-chair.
Department team captains were:
- Vickie Brewer, secretary for the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Sheron Griggs, secretary for the Department of Aviation Technology
- Stacy Lane, administrative assistant for the Department of Computer and Information Technology
- Angie Schutz, administrative assistant for the Department of Computer Graphics Technology
- Brenda Sheets, secretary for the Department of Building Construction Management
- Nancy Smigiel, administrative coordinator for the Center for Professional Studies in Technology and Applied Research
- Deb Tutak, administrative assistant for the Department of Technology Leadership and Innovation
The Lafayette Journal and Courier covered United Way's campaign celebration.