A special one-day event for high school girls will make the connection between technology-focused degrees and solutions to a variety of social challenges. Purdue’s College of Technology locations at Richmond and Anderson will host Paint Purdue Pink in April. The event is being organized to show high school girls how they can make a difference with each of the degrees offered at the locations. “We wanted not only to introduce what they would study, but also how that would translate into a career,” said Michael Swain, student services coordinator at the Richmond location. “We’ll give them an opportunity to meet women from the community in those careers and make sure they understand how those careers could be socially meaningful.” At the end of the day, the participants should have more knowledge about their opportunities, which can help them make their college selections, said David Riegle, student services coordinator at the Anderson location. “If we are successful, some of the girls will be interested enough to enroll while they are still in high school or consider a technology degree once they’ve graduated,” he said. The Paint Purdue Pink events will be April 20 in Richmond and April 27 in Anderson. High school girls must be nominated by a high school administrator, teacher or counselor by April 13. Contact each location for more information:
- College of Technology at Richmond: (765) 973-8228, techrichmond@purdue.edu
- College of Technology at Anderson: (765) 648-2920, techanderson@purdue.edu