Engineering technology faculty Milton Aguirre has come up with an amazing stress-management tool for students, and his recent grant funding has ensured that the device will not only be produced in large quantities, but on campus as well:
DigiTRACKER launches with seminar on human-AI collaboration in modular building production
The new DigiTRACKER center provides countless new opportunities for innovative research in all forms of built-environment applications. Read about the inaugural event here:
Polytechnic founds new Applied AI Research Center, appoints founding directors
Big things are happening at Purdue Polytechnic, as our faculty member B.C. Min has just recently founded the Applied AI Research Center, which seeks to "[shape] the future of AI" through research and industry collaboration.
Professor, Ph.D. student use ChatGPT to develop undergrads’ conflict resolution skills
Purdue Polytechnic's Alejandra Magana and Ph.D. student Sakhi Aggrawal have devised a novel way to teach students conflict resolution skills which is technologically powered with ChatGPT's language-learning model:
Polytechnic-led research project investigates stress symptoms, compares pilots vs. other college students
A team of four at Purdue, comprised of three Polytechnic researchers, one of whom is also a student, just released a novel study on college students and stress. Read more:
Trimble Technology Lab is “heritage and future” for Purdue Polytechnic, university's construction programs
The multi-billion dollar Trimble Inc. joined its new partners at Purdue Polytechnic for the launch of the Trimble Technology Lab, which has proven to be productive both for new research and student work right from the start. Read on to hear remarks from President Chiang, Purdue Polytechnic's Dean Daniel Castro and others.
Patent-pending Engineering Technology innovation allows 3D printing of tiny multilevel microfluidic devices
Huachao Mao, assistant professor of engineering technology in Purdue University’s Polytechnic college, and his team have created a method to fabricate economical multilevel microfluidic devices as small as one-tenth of the diameter of a human hair. The new method could be beneficial to cancer cell analysis, drug screenings, environmental testing, geology, manufacturing and other fields.
PhD student uncovers ‘human values gaps’ in AI datasets
A Purdue Polytechnic PhD student has devised a technique for examining AI training data to see if systems will align with human morals and values. Read more here:
Dean's Lecture Series features exploration of Solitaire '[inventing] modern life'
Purdue Polytechnic thanks Dr. Ian Bogost from Washington University for a fascinating exploration on the influence of games, technology, and culture:
Techies Today Episode 021: Justin Yang, Research with Real-World Impact
In this episode of Techies Today, the Purdue Polytechnic Podcast, Baijian “Justin” Yang, associate dean for research and professor of computer and information technology, discusses the evolution of research at tier-1 universities like Purdue. Although having just one or two people in a research project remains a valid method, Yang believes that researchers are more likely to make discoveries with real-world impact when they collaborate with people who have expertise in other disciplines.