What now for the class of 2015: Sadia Qasim

Sadia Qasim demonstrates her research with the Oculus Rift.


As the College of Technology’s May 2015 graduates move into their careers, we are profiling a few and finding out their future plans and how they arrived at this point in their lives.


Sadia QasimSadia Qasim, West Lafayette, Indiana
Technical artist for Deep Silver Volition, Champaign, Illinois


Bachelor’s degree in computer graphics technology and Spanish language and literature

Job duties

Scripting and developing tools for various video games developed by Deep Silver Volition using MEL, Python, C++, and PyMel.

Purdue classes that helped Sadia prepare for her job

  • CGT 341: Motion for Computer Animation
  • CGT 340: Digital Lighting and Rendering
  • CGT 491: Independent Study, Writing a Ray Tracer
  • MA 162: Plane Analytic Geometry And Calculus II
  • PHYS 172/ 220: Modern Mechanics/ General Physics
  • CS 180: Programming 1
  • AD 113: Basic Drawing

Other ways the College of Technology and/or Purdue provided preparation and assistance

The faculty in the College of Technology are extremely welcoming. I have always felt at home in Knoy Hall, and they are ALWAYS willing to take time out of their busy schedules to meet with you and help you out on whatever project you may have. My various instructors have always had faith in me and have supported me through all my endeavors. Purdue University has a wonderful reputation, and alumni connections helped me acquire an interview with Volition.

Thanks go to:

  • Prof. Ray Hassan for being the first person to believe in me and helping me understand Maya
  • Prof. David Whittinghill for being supportive and helpful and helping me learn and develop programming skills
  • Every T.A. I have ever had in CGT -- Illia Ziamtsov, Esteban Garcia, Andrew Kennedy, Stephen Garver -- for always allowing me to pester them with questions during office hours
  • My friends and family who have always had my back for the five years I’ve been a full-time Purdue student.