What's next for the Class of 2017: Danielle (Mertens) Schieler

As Purdue Polytechnic’s May 2017 graduates move into their careers, we are profiling a few and finding out their future plans and how they arrived at this point in their lives.


Danielle (Mertens) SchielerDanielle (Mertens) Schieler, Fort Wayne, Indiana

IFP Automation in Fishers, IN


Bachelor’s degree in manufacturing engineering technology

Job duties

Design fuild power systems per customer requirements, either from the very beginning or integrating with current systems.

Purdue classes that helped Danielle prepare for her job

My senior design course, MFET 48100 (Integration of Manufacturing Systems), helped prepare me for this new job. I will learn what is currently in place and then integrate new systems to produce the desired outcome.

Other ways the college and/or Purdue provided preparation and assistance

The opportunites in networking and leadership that I had in Purdue Polytechnic and study abroad have prepared me for the professional world. These activities gave me insight in how the professional world works – locally, nationally, and globally.

Thanks go to:

  • First, I would like to thank God – College can bring its fair share of challenges and I don’t think I would have been able to finish if it wasn’t for God as my source of strength and joy.
  • My husband, Jesse – We met our very first semester at Purdue, which started our friendship and lead to our amazing relationship. He has been with me through my highs and lows, even with the delay of my graduation. I love you Jess.
  • My parents – Without their support I don’t think I would have found what I truly like to do. For every phone and Skype call, grocery runs, trips to campus, and support, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you both.
  • Toni Munguia – From that brochure in high school for the DOiT program to encouraging me to keep going and finish my degree in spite of obstacles and everything in between, she has helped me in so many ways. I don’t think I would be where I am without her support. Thank you!
  • Professor Kraebber – During my freshman year, he put the idea in my head to study abroad, which lead to me going on his spring break Germany trip. He has also been a great person to go for advice and has given me many references.
  • My friends, staff and professors at Purdue. Everyone has had a role in shaping me into who I am today. Thank you for all of the memories!


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