Cullen Fisher

Cullen Fisher
Professional Flight '19

Hometown: Elkhart, Indiana

Why are you a Dean’s Student Leader?
I joined DSL to create an avenue for students in the Polytechnic Institute, specifically in the School of Aviation and Transportation Technology, to have their voices heard. By doing so, I’m hoping that current and future students will enjoy Purdue as much as I do.

What other activities are you involved in on or off campus?

  • President of the Purdue University Aviation Technology Ambassadors
  • Aviation Technology Student Council member
  • Founding Member/ President of the Aviation Indiana Purdue Chapter
  • Alpha Eta Rho Aviation Fraternity member
  • Purdue Professional Pilots member

Where do you want to be/ what do you want to be doing in 10 years?
I want to be working for a major airline in the next 10 years, traveling all over the world for my career and leisure.

Why did you choose the Polytechnic Institute?
The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology within the Purdue Polytechnic Institute was a perfect fit for me. The world-class training facilities along with the abundance of different opportunities to participate in industry events and make connections was something in which I was most interested when looking at different colleges.

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