Aviation Electronics Lab

The Aviation Electronics Lab, a space designed especially for active learning and teamwork for students majoring in aeronautical engineering technology, is typically home to approximately 20 hours/week of scheduled 200-, 300-, and 400-level courses on topics from introductory aircraft electronics to complex aerospace digital circuits. Additionally, students work on undergraduate research and senior capstone projects during open lab time several hours each week.

The lab features several four-person workstations in the center of the room. Each team’s workstation features modern computers with monitors on swing arms and workbenches for building, testing, and troubleshooting electronics.

A spacious area for instructors, project storage racks, and ancillary equipment are positioned at the front, back, and sides of the lab.

The lab was fully renovated in 2017.

Key features:

  • Fast computers at each student workstation with high-resolution floating displays
  • Monitors around the room allow all students to easily see instructor’s display
  • LabVIEW and Multisim engineering design applications can run vertical landing and takeoff simulations, pressure sensors, and motor mockups
  • Aircraft flight management system simulators provide hands-on experience analogous to a modern state-of-the-art aircraft
Campus/Location Facility Location Faculty Contact
West Lafayette TERM 219 Don Barnes