I appreciate the hands-on focus within the CIT department and the number of different projects and labs I have been able to complete through all of my coursework. During my labs, I can apply the knowledge I gained during lectures to a real-world scenario.
Adhvitha Sivaganesh
Cybersecurity & Network Engineering (CNIT)
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Adhvitha Sivaganesh

Cybersecurity & Network Engineering (CNIT)

What made you decide to choose your specific major?

I’ve always been interested in the Information Technology Industry. Something unique that my high school offered was the Cisco Networking Academy. Throughout high school I spent 3 hours a day learning about networking and security and gained certifications through my time there. That experience and coursework sparked my specific interest in network engineering along with security. My next step was coming to Purdue and double majoring in what I was most interested in which is Cybersecurity and Network Engineering.

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?

All of my CNIT classes have had both a lab and lecture portion for the class. I appreciated the hands-on focus within the CIT department and the number of different projects + labs I have been able to complete through all of my coursework. I appreciate the fact that during my labs, I can apply the knowledge I gained during lectures into a real-world scenario.

What has been one of your favorite class projects?

I have done many projects and labs so far, but the one that has been my favorite so far has been the Raspberry Pi project from 17600 since we created a VPN for our Network and an Adblocker. I liked it a lot since it incorporated network engineering and the security aspect together. I got to learn a lot about configuring a Raspberry Pi and created something useful which can be used to this date.

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

I am currently the Head of the Social Media for Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) and part of Women in Technology (WIT). I am also a member of Boiler Robotics Club, specifically the Communications + Intelligence team. Additionally, I am also part of the Data Mine Learning Community, specifically the Corporate Partners Cohort with Merck. Lastly, I recently started a job as a Network Engineering Assistant at Purdue University with the Network Operations team

What was something unique about one of your summer internships?

Upcoming Cyber Security Intern @ John Deere

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?

There are so many opportunities on campus from clubs and organizations to events and career fairs. I would recommend joining any clubs that are even slightly interesting to you. Take your first year as an opportunity to explore and find the clubs and activities that you would want to pursue. The clubs and organizations can be correlated to your major and also be something that is a passion or hobby as well. You get the opportunity to meet so many people at these clubs and organizations along with having the chance to make lasting connections with professors.

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?

Make use of all the opportunities and resources that Purdue provides, since they really do make a difference during your time here. It will help you get involved on campus along with making more connections with others on campus. Utilizing all the resources will help reduce some of the stress and could help you reach more of your goals and gain even more opportunities on top of that.

Have questions? Email me at ssivagan@purdue.edu