What are your job duties?
Rotate through four positions that include global manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma, supervisor, and project management roles.
Who would you like to thank as you finish your time at Purdue and start your career?
I want to thank my community here at Purdue and my community at home. I wouldn't be here without the help of amazing family and friends, my professors who went above and beyond, and the Office of Retention, Recruitment and Diversity for constantly rooting for me and making sure I had all the resources I could ever need to succeed.
If you had a favorite class, project, experience, or professor, what/who was it, and why?
Materials and Processes taught by Gozdem Kilaz has been one of my favorite courses. I took it my first semester here and I still have some of the projects I made in labs. Gozdem showed and continues to show me kindness throughout all four years here and makes an effort to know every one of her students and make the course enjoyable.