Not only has my major allowed me to take a diverse range of courses, but my leadership classes specifically are very group based and are designed to be an open dialogue in class, so you get to learn not only from the professors but your peers as well.
Brigid McLarty
Human Resource Development (TLI)
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Brigid McLarty

Human Resource Development (TLI)

What made you decide to choose your specific major?

I had always known I wanted to work with people, and I loved the business and interpersonal aspects that are incorporated into the HR field.

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?

A couple of my favorite things about my program of study are the type of classes and the opportunities within the Polytechnic school. Not only has my major allowed me to take a diverse range of classes, but my leadership classes specifically are very group based and are designed to be an open dialogue in class, so you get to learn not only from the professors but your peers as well. Additionally, Purdue’s Polytechnic school offers many opportunities to get involved with clubs such as Women in Technology and access to specialized career fairs.

What has been one of your favorite class projects?

My favorite class project has been in my Developmental Leadership class where we were in groups and were assigned to analyze an organization and their administration and the relationship they had with other members of the organization / company. I loved spending the semester working with a smaller group and looking at the implementation of different leadership strategies and the effects of employee relationships.

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

At Purdue I am a member and chair position of a sorority, in the Society of Human resource Managers, and a member of Figure Skating Club

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?

I wish I would’ve known not to be hesitant to the idea of being a member of the Polytechnic school as an Human Resource Development major. It was easy to feel like an imposter when my major is one of few not centered around technology; however, the Polytechnic school is not only very inclusive but it teaches you valuable skills about technology, innovation, and working with others.

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?

My advice to new and prospective Purdue students would be to get involved and meet as many new people as possible because it is a great way to make close friends and make Purdue your home away from home.

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