What made you decide to choose your specific major?
I started as a biology major and quickly realized that science was not the subject for me and did not enjoy it anymore. I wanted to really love my major, so I started taking more exploratory classes. I took one aviation related class and fell in love with the subject and the way they teach the classes. I started to excel in school again. I transferred into Aeronautical Engineering Technology the summer after my freshman year and have loved it ever since.
What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?
I love how everything is more hands-on learning. I find the labs to be really enjoyable and the professors make them fun, even if they are at 7:30 in the morning.
What has been one of your favorite class projects?
One of my favorite class projects has been in AT 262 where we got to disassemble a Lycoming engine and put it all back together. It really helped with the application of what we were learning in class and was fun to be so involved in the lab.
What other activities are you involved in on campus?
I am a WiTty Mentor for younger women in my major and am also involved in the sorority Alpha Chi Omega.
What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?
I wish someone would have told me about the amount of labs we would have. I, thankfully, enjoy having labs but they take up a lot more time in your schedule than lectures do. I also wish someone would have told me how hands on everything was going to be. Again, I like this aspect but did not know that going in.
What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?
One piece of advice I would give would be don't be afraid to take classes outside of your major and don't be afraid to change your major. I only heard about how bad it was to switch majors and it would put you way behind in school. I heard so much of these that I almost didn't switch my major out of fear of being behind, I am now graduating on time with a major I love and couldn't recommend it enough.