I know that I am gaining fundamental knowledge in my field that is essential to my future success. … [In the flight program,] you will always have a support system to help you through.
Madison Myers
Professional Flight Technology (SATT)
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Madison Myers

Professional Flight Technology (SATT)

What made you decide to choose your specific major?

The competitiveness of Purdue’s Professional Flight Program is what led me to choose my major. I know that I am gaining fundamental knowledge in my field that is essential to my future success. Also, as a CODO (change of degree objective) student into the Flight Program, it is essential for me to learn new things every day. I always have the opportunity to fly, so applying the things I learn in the classroom to flying the aircraft is a key factor for progressing in the program.

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?

My favorite things about my program of study are that I can fly 3-4 times per week and the array of different classes that there are. There is so much learning that goes on inside the aircraft, so having that extra time in the aircraft to hone my skill is what I love about the Flight Program. The Professional Flight major is more than just learning how to fly the aircraft. While that is a major part of your study, you can take classes such as aviation meteorology and human factors for flight crews.

What has been one of your favorite class projects?

My favorite class project that I have done was in my TECH 12000 class. This class is titled Design Thinking in Technology. I had the opportunity to interview professors and collaborate with people in different majors to combat bike part theft on college campuses. We designed and prototyped our idea and made a tangible product. Our product was called Seat-2-Go. I loved working on this project because it allowed me to work with students from different majors in the Polytechnic Institute.

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

I am involved in the Purdue Swim Club, and I am a member of Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma, an honor society on campus that honors first-year academic success. I love being a part of intramural sports on campus because it allows me to take a break from studying and see my friends. Also, being a part of the honor society has given me resources and volunteer opportunities.

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?

I wish that I knew that it doesn’t have to be intimidating. That you will always have a support system to help you through flight training. Another thing I wish I knew was to not be afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is crucial when you are flying. If I am not sure what to do next, my CFI (certified flight instructor) will always be there beside me.

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?

My piece of information for prospective or new students is to trust the process. Throughout the next four years, you will have success and failure. It is ok to have failures, but how you come back from failure matters more than the failure itself. If you combat a failure by seeing what you did and changing what you are doing, you will set yourself up for success and show your professors that you are versatile. Showing a professor that you care about their class and learning the content they are presenting can lead to great things later in your college career.

Have questions? Email me at myers484@purdue.edu