I enjoy being able to work with and learn from very extremely skilled professors who have worked in the industry, as well as being able to see behind the curtain of video game creation.
Nadia Kimbrough
Game Development and Design (CGT)
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Nadia Kimbrough

Game Development and Design (CGT)

What made you decide to choose your specific major?

I chose game design because I loved digital art. As I got older I became fascinated with environmental design in video games and Purdue had an amazing Game Development major.

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?

I enjoy being able to work with and learn from very extremely skilled professors who have worked in the industry. As well as being able to see behind the curtain of video game creation.

What has been one of your favorite class projects?

My current project in CGT 365. It is a two semester course dedicated to creating a playable video game. We work with a team of our peers who have specific specializations (programming, audio, modeling, etc) to create a video game in our vision. For this class I'm currently working on a horror game as the lead level designer, where I work on the environment and lighting for our game.

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

I'm involved in the Minority Technology Association, Women in Technology, 3rd Street Rollers and part of Executive Board for the Evan Scholars.

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?

I wish someone would've told me to familiarize myself with Unreal Engine first. It is the only game engine used within my major and although my previous professors helped me a lot in fully understanding it. I wish I was just a bit more familiar with it before I began my freshman year.

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?

Never be afraid to reach out. People are always willing to help you out and get you connected to the proper resources. We just want to see you succeed!

Have questions? Email me at nkimbrou@purdue.edu