Don't be afraid to put yourself out there both socially and professionally at Purdue. There are so many chances to network with guest speakers who come in, and clubs and classes provide so many opportunities!
Reagan Bradley
Aviation Management (SATT)
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Reagan Bradley

Aviation Management (SATT)

What made you decide to choose your specific major?

I have been traveling from a young age, and I have always been facinated by aviation and everything that went in to it. From how the planes fly to how the airport operates. When choosing a major, aviation management was a perfect fit. It allows me to learn all the things that facinated me at such a young age!

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?

I love all the connections it allows you to make within the industry. There are always companies and people within the industry coming in to talk to different classes. This allows students to make connections and start networking very early on. I also love the opportunity to learn about all the different aspects of aviation.

What has been one of your favorite class projects?

My favorite project so far was in my Introduction To Aviation Technology class in my first semester. The project was to create a resume that you hope to have in 10 years. This really made me think about the steps I have to take to achieve my goals.

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

I am a member of a few aviation related clubs on campus– Women in Aviation and American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE).

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?

Something I wish I had known before starting my major would be how broad it is. I went into college under the impression that the main focus would be management, but I was pleasantly surprised when I learned how much more was covered.

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?

One piece of advice I give is don't be afraid to put yourself out there both socially and professionally. There are so many opportunities to network with the guest speakers who come in. Also, don't be afraid to get involved on campus. Clubs are a great way to socialize and make friends, or even just talking to the people beside you in class!

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