Sruti Pabba

Sruti Pabba
Cybersecurity (CNIT)

What made you decide to choose your specific major? 

Ever since I first found my favorite TV show (NCIS), I have always wanted to understand the psychology behind why people commit crimes. Technology is everywhere, I always knew I wanted to be involved with it for my future doing something righteous. Combining my two passions: technology and crimes, which both have an immense impact in my life, digital criminology is the perfect career for me to not only have a balance of enjoying but helping others at the same time. I realized Cybersecurity was the perfect major for me and will help me further my interests in the cyber world going forward. 

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study? 

 A couple of my favorite things about my program of study are the hands-on labs and the people I have met. The hands-on labs are a great opportunity for you to apply the information you have learned during lectures. Although it may look a little intimidating at first, TA’s and professors are always there to guide you and help you.  

What has been one of your favorite class projects? 

One of my favorite class projects would be is from CNIT 182(System and Organizational Security). This specific project took all the first semester and were assigned groups in the beginning of the semester. In this project we were assigned to apply all the information we have learned in the lectures; we had to make organizational security plans and use programs like Visual Paradigm and SQL. With this project, I got experience working with people and a deeper understanding of Cybersecurity.  

What other activities are you involved in on campus? 

Some activities I am involved in on campus are Women in Cybersecurity, which is a non-profit organization dedicated to women in cybersecurity, and Boiler Bhangra which is a competitive dance team that is a form of traditional Punjabi folk dance.  

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major? 

Something that I know about my program of study now that I wish someone had told me when I was choosing a major is that it has a heavy course load. My experience with Cybersecurity so far has been great but there have been many times where I would spend extra time in labs or meet with my groups outside of class to work on certain projects. Although it may sound intimidating it is unbelievable how much Cybersecurity is involved in the real world and how important it is.  

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students? 

One piece of advice that I have for new students is to not be shy to reach out for help. No matter what kind of question you may have, it is always good to reach out and ask for help. Doing this will allow you to feel confident and satisfied with yourself.  

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