Yiyang (Memoria) Hu

Memoria Hu
Data Visualization & Web Programming and Development (CGT)

What made you decide to choose your specific major?

When I was in Primary school, my parents gave me a tiny camera, and thus my photography life begins. I enjoy designing the whole picture through the lens and recording all the great moments. My interest in photography led me to get interested in the technology field. By choosing data visualization and web programming majors, I am not only able to explore the technology field, but also use my creative design ideas to enrich my works-related studies since I could freely express any creative ideas while working on visualizations or webpages.

What are a couple of your favorite things about your program of study?

One of my favorite things I enjoyed about this program of study is freedom. The professors always encourage you to express your creativity and think individually. There are also a variety of sources offered that support us in better understanding data and web principles.

What has been one of your favorite class projects?

My favorite class project is the final project of CGT215 (Computer Graphics Programming I). I have created a mini rhythm game. This is my first learning about the C language. Although my final product does not exactly meet my expectations, I enjoy the process of finding, recognizing, and finally solving the question individually. I am proud of the efforts I have paid for the course:)

What other activities are you involved in on campus?

I have joined many technology-related clubs on campus, including Computational Art Circle, Purdue Polytechnic Student Council, Purdue University Chinese Students and Scholar's Association, and Women in Technology. I usually join the club workshops and help with volunteer activities.

What do you know about your program of study now that you wish someone had told you when you were choosing a major?

I never thought that there was so much programming-related content involved in my program of study. I am not very good at programming and did not prepare for that at all. However, I gradually got used to the coding courses while taking more and more practice. Practice makes perfect, so never be nervous about any field that you are unfamiliar with.

What would be one piece of advice for prospective students or new Purdue students?

My advice is to stay confident. No one is born stupid. Never underestimate yourself or keep stressed. We never know what will happen until the last minute. There's still time to find the best solution and clear all the barriers that stop you from achieving your goal.