Rise of AI Industry Drives Need for Technology Experts

Many people’s first introduction to the concept of artificial intelligence--defined as the ability of computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as decision making and speech recognition--came from the pages of science fiction novels. Science fiction writers have long presented artificial intelligence as a futuristic ideal--an unlikely union between humanity and technology that would fundamentally transform the very nature of work.

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a speculative enterprise. Modern businesses are already using AI to identify problems, automate organizational processes, increase efficiency, and perform complex technical operations. According to Forbes, AI technology is currently being used in a wide range of industries, including sales, information technology, human resources, accounting and finance, and manufacturing.

Artificial Intelligence: A Breakthrough Industry

Businesses are interested in AI technology because of its potential to reduce production costs, streamline organizational operations, manage risks, accelerate growth, and fuel innovation. The potential benefits of AI have made the AI industry a lucrative and fast-growing enterprise. According to the IDC report on artificial intelligence, revenues for AI are forecast to grow 16.4% in the year 2021. Further, corporate interest in the application of AI accounts for the largest share of that revenue growth at 50%. [Purdue University’s 100% Online Doctor of Technology program prepares students to confidently step into roles at the forefront of technological innovation, including in Artificial Intelligence (AI) related fields.]

Artificial Intelligence: A Breakthrough Industry Jobs in the AI sector are also experiencing a high rate of growth. LinkedIn’s emerging job report listed AI as the top emerging job for 2020, Also according to LinkedIn’s report, hiring growth for artificial intelligence specialists grew 74% from 2016 to 2020. For comparison, LinkedIn’s second most emerging job--robotics engineer--grew only 40% in the same timeframe.

The importance of AI technology has only become more apparent in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ritu Jypoti, the vice president of AI research at the IDC, explained that the COVID-19 pandemic “pushed AI to the top of the corporate agenda,” because of AI’s application in telework, telecommunication, and global healthcare. In a time of unprecedented technological adaptation, AI has emerged as one of the most compelling solutions to a host of organizational problems.           

As Tech Develops, So Does the Need for Specialized Expertise

Though the benefits of AI technology are convincing, much work still needs to be done before the majority of businesses are ready to adopt AI in their day-to-day operations. Considering AI is a rapidly developing and cutting-edge technology, its potential and effects are not broadly understood. Increasing interest in the utility of AI has increased demand for technology experts who understand the ramifications of utilizing AI in business. From its possible impact on a wide range of industries to the ethical concerns of automating organizational processes, technology experts are poised to be the vanguards of artificial intelligence adaptation.

Purdue’s Doctor of Technology Program Fosters Technological Expertise for the Future

Purdue University’s 100% Online Doctor of Technology program prepares students to confidently step into roles at the forefront of technological innovation, including in AI-related fields. The Doctor of Technology program enables students to build technological expertise in a wide range of areas such as technology adaptation, research, development, sustainability, and ethics. Because the program exposes students to a diversity of technological issues and theories, students are given the tools they need to stay ahead of the curve in rapidly-developing technological fields. Plus, the online Doctor of Technology is the first program of its kind from a tier-1 research institution known for its excellence in innovation, according to U.S. News and World Report.

Students in the Doctor of Technology (DTech) program will work closely with professors who are at the top of their respective fields and get hands-on research experience, as well as learn from industry experts. All students are required to complete a dissertation focusing on applied research in a technological field of their choosing.

Professor Linda Naimi, the faculty lead for the Doctor of Technology program, says that current DTech students “are conducting research in developing and adopting new technologies and innovative practices in critical areas, such as: cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, biomedical devices and nanotechnologies in healthcare, cloud computing, homeland security, international relations, and science and technology policy.” According to Dr. Naimi, this research has the potential to “dramatically improve how we live, learn, and work.”

 This program is ideal for technology professionals who want to advance in their careers and develop coveted expertise of cutting-edge technologies like AI. Since the program is 100% online, students can tailor their course of study to fit the demands of their career and strike a comfortable balance between work, school, and life.

In an economy where the role of technology is increasingly vital, technology experts are in high-demand. Purdue’s Doctor of Technology program cultivates technological expertise and prepares students to meet the challenge that increasingly complex technologies pose to governments, businesses, and other organizations.

Learn more about Purdue’s innovative program here.

About The Author

Rachel (RM) Barton's picture
Rachel (RM) Barton is a technical content writer for Purdue Online. She graduated with her BA in Literature from Roanoke College in 2016, and earned her MA in Communication Studies from Purdue University in 2020. She writes marketing content, essays, poetry, and sometimes jokes.