The Purdue Study Abroad Global Partnerships and Programs offers students of all majors within The Department of Computer Graphics Technology opportunities to kickstart their careers in either London or Sydney. Students enrolled in the program can experience living, studying, and working in another culture for up to 6 credits.
Emilio Rios-Rojas, a UX Design undergraduate in The Department of Computer Graphics Technology, completed his third study abroad program over the summer and I asked him a few questions about his experiences.
Q- You’ve done this a few times now, why did you decide to devote your summers to this program?
A- In my opinion, it is so valuable to take advantage of programs that allow you to study/work while traveling simultaneously. Once out of school, programs like this will be more scarce and harder to come across! It's best to take advantage now when you are the most flexible because traveling while young is one of the best things that you can do!
Q- Would you recommend this study abroad+intern program to other CGT students?
A- If you have been thinking about studying abroad and have the required GPA/credit hours (2.5/60+), I definitely recommend this program. You are able to get an internship under your belt in your desired field/major while staying on your toes and exploring a new place. It is a big leap, but the program is designed to have great people support you along the way. The nervousness you might feel before making a big decision like this is completely normal and part of what makes the experience so exciting.
Q- What was your favorite thing about this summer's study abroad trip?
A- One of my favorite ways to move around while in Sydney was my Opal Card (similar to New York City's Metro Card). Everything in Australia is very spread out, but this card made it feasible to travel to places outside the city. I took many train rides throughout the country to experience the Aboriginal Culture and visit incredible national parks, including Blue Mountain's National Park with the most breathtaking views, rugby stadiums, and famous beaches.
Q- How do you plan on using what you’ve learned in this program for your future career decisions?
A- Apart from strengthening my resume and building relevant connections, working abroad helped me develop my independence, my confidence, my intercultural communication skills, as well as my passion to grow and learn in a creative setting. All of these skills are applicable to any job position. Working abroad made me realize how feasible it is to work in other parts of the world. Post graduation, it would not be far-fetched to say I will return to Australia!
Interested in learning more about this program? Find more information online at and/or email