Professional Certificate of Innovative Distribution

Industrial Distribution

The School of Engineering Technology (SOET) is actively engaged in continuing education for industrial companies and associations around the world.  For example, SOET is the proud sponsor of the University of Innovative Distribution, the premier executive education event for manufacturers and wholesalers in the industrial distribution industry. 

This 4-day intensive educational program has been held every year since 1994 and has received rave reviews from over 5,000 owner-principles, executives, senior managers and associates from around the world representing more than 25 distribution associations.  Participants can also earn credits towards a Professional Certificate of Innovative Distribution awarded by our Supply Chain and Sales Engineering Technology Program.

An application form for the program can be found at


The Professional Certificate of Innovative Distribution

The Professional Certificate of Innovative Distribution can be earned through Purdue University upon the completion of 90 hours of instruction that meets our requirement of 9 Continuing Education Units [CEUs] or CEU equivalents.

Those 90 hours can be completed by:

A combination of one [1] or [2] or [3] University of Innovative Distribution [UID] programs (each UID program counts for 3 CEUs), in combination with other CEUs obtained in distribution education and/or training as needed. Each Continuing Education Unit [CEU] or CEU equivalent equals 10 hours of instruction [education and/or training]. Individuals attending 3 UIDs will automatically receive their Professional Certificate of Innovative Distribution.  Contact the UID Staff Team via email, for verification of UID attendance.

If attending only [1] or [2] UIDs, the other required CEUs can be earned through a wide variety of education and training venues.  Educational programs sponsored by UID co-sponsoring associations do qualify --including education seminars/sessions/workshop at conventions, state meeting, etc., individual courses offered by associations through their resource centers, educational foundations, as well as other demonstrated education/training venues. 

CEUs or CEU equivalents can be earned by employees that attend their own company’s training, as well as attending courses offered by their suppliers and/or customers.  To be eligible, the information should be documented on the application form: the type of training completed, the number of hours completed, the name of the presenter, and an outline and/or copy of the course materials.  It is also possible to use product training.  Again, complete information is required for all sessions.  Courses earning documented CEUs that are offered by outside contractors such as the American Management Association, the American Society for Quality or other educational, professional and/or training firms may also be used to satisfy the CEU requirements.

In summary, applicants can earn the 9 CEUs required to earn the certificate by:

  1. Earning 3 CEUs by attending one (1) UID program, plus an additional 6 CEUs (60 hours of educational instruction/training) from a variety of resources such as the members’ association and/or other sources of educational training; OR

  2. Earning 6 CEUs by attending two (2) UID programs, plus an additional 3 CEUs (30 hours of educational instruction/training) from a variety of resources such as the members’ association and/or other sources of educational training; OR

  3. Earning 9 CEUs by attending three (3) UID programs.  Completion of 3 UIDs will automatically result in the award of a certificate.

CEU credits can be easily obtained through UID-based educational programs, as well as association programs by providing the names of individuals attending the session(s), the number of hours training completed, and a copy of the materials used at the program.  An application form can be found at  This information can be submitted directly to Dr. Kathryne Newton, Liaison, University of Innovative Distribution, Purdue University, 401 N. Grant St., W. Lafayette, IN  47907-2021. Tele: 765-494-6875,

For information, please contact Dr. Kathryne Newton, Advisor, University of Innovative Distribution,, 765-494-6875.