Returning from a detachment in Kansas back to Norfolk, Virginia, Lieutenant Steven Berres, a naval aviator in the U.S. Navy, decided to stop by Purdue for a short visit. He brought along his aircraft, a MH-60S Knighthawk helicopter, and crew. Berres, a 2011 graduate of the professional flight program, completed the 3+2 master’s degree program and was in the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps.
Trying to beat a nasty storm system, the pilot and crew flew in a day early. The Knighthawk landed at Purdue’s airport at 5:30 p.m. Thursday (February 23) while students and staff watched. Once it was safe to approach, the aircraft was quickly surrounded by inquisitive students asking about the helicopter and the crew’s experiences.
After an overnight stay in West Lafayette, Berres and crew started preparations to take off at 9:30 a.m. Friday. An even larger crowd of students were on hand to ask questions of the Purdue alum and the crew prior to their departure. Once the aircraft was ready, everyone stood back and watched the mighty propellers begin to whirl on the MH-60S Knighthawk. Shortly thereafter, they were off to complete their trip.