Brian Norton, president of Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), praised the partnership between Purdue and DIT during a visit to West Lafayette this week.
"We have benefited from extensive student exchange, from exchange of faculty both ways, joint research projects, and even a joint master's program," Norton said. "Ireland is a small, open, internationally trading nation. The need for our students to have an empathy for and understanding of other countries is critical, and I think similar things apply in the state of Indiana and at Purdue. An awareness of global trends and that there are different ways of doing things — not necessarily better or worse — is as critically important for technical subjects, including engineering and technology, as it is for others."
On Monday (May 23), Norton met with Purdue President Mitch Daniels to sign an agreement to expand DIT's collaboration beyond their successful partnerships with the Purdue Polytechnic Institute and the colleges of Health and Human Sciences and Liberal Arts. Purdue Polytechnic programs in the departments of Computer Graphics Technology and Technology Leadership & Innovation have collaborated with DIT for eight years.
Read the full announcement from Purdue News Service.