I am constantly reminded of how fast time goes by. Mondays turn into Fridays, weeks pass into months, and years seem to melt away with increased rapidity. I recognize now why it is frequently said the older you get the faster time seems to go by: they were right. I was watching something the other day on TV and they said the show being referenced was now 25 years old! How could that be, I thought. It seemed like less than that, but, again, a lot of things seem like they were only yesterday. I remember when I was considering pursuing my master’s degree. People I consulted with said the time will just fly right by. Just begin the degree and in a few short years, you’ll be happy you did; you’ll look back and realize how fast that time had gone. They were right.
I know we are tremendously busy during these many holiday weeks and months, but as a new year quickly approaches, there is no better time to reflect on where you’ve been, where you are, and where you want to be. What will the new year bring in your life? How will your decisions in 2016 impact you personally and professionally?
If you or someone you know is considering an advanced degree, we have 15 program offerings, from 100% online, to distance-hybrid to on-site at customer locations. Would one of these help you or someone you know in a personal or professional pursuit?
As you spend time this holiday season with family and friends, take a moment, if you would, to reflect on where you want to be in the years ahead. Life can be tremendously meaningful, with the proper planning and education.
From our Purdue University ProSTAR family to yours, we wish you and your loved ones the very best this holiday season.
Call us sometime. We’d love to hear from you!
With the very warmest of wishes for the holidays,