For anyone who has ever been relatively poor in their life, they would likely attest that it is not a good situation to be in. Having grown up in the south part of the city I was born in, we knew what poor was like. I could tell stories that would make most tear up. While our neighborhood was extremely diverse racially and ethnically, we all had one thing in common: we were all dirt poor.
My story changed when our high school hosted a college day in late December. I was so tired of doing without and living in the conditions our neighborhood afforded. I walked up to a recruiter and asked one simple question: “How can I go to school for the least amount of time and make the most amount of money?” That led me down a path toward an educational pursuit in computer science at Purdue University. Not knowing exactly what my education would bring, upon graduation,
I began to more fully appreciate the power of my educational attainment. If gainful employment was success — and from where I came from, it was — I wanted more. So, I hypothesized more education would provide yet additional opportunities that might not normally otherwise be available; a differentiator if you will. This, as it turned out, proved true. Education, provides not only additional knowledge, but also, in our society, meaningful accomplishment, perseverance, ability to deliver through stressful situations and complex work-life balances and much more.
Every year at graduation time, I receive emails from graduates and those recently graduated who emphatically discuss their new jobs, higher pay or both. Education, as these many individuals attest, really does provide as believed.
We administer 15 instantiations of programs from our many academic departments. Our greatest joy comes from the many successes we hear about each and every graduation year.
If you are thinking about your educational future, or know someone who is, feel free to give us a call. We’d love to talk about the many educational opportunities available to professional working adult learners. Professional career opportunities can be plentiful, with the proper planning and education.
Call us sometime. We’d love to hear from you!