Purdue Polytechnic Columbus students placed eighth of 21 teams in the Consortium for CCSC (Computing Sciences in Colleges) Midwest Region Student Programming Contest held in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on September 23 and 24. Bruce Priest, Isaiah Bowman, and Aaron Jones are juniors in computer and information technology and participate in the Programming Club.
Teams of three students completed a four-hour challenge with the C++ programming language to solve seven problems for judging, called runs. The first-place team solved three runs, and Purdue Polytechnic Columbus’ team solved one.
The team, led by Dmitri Gusev, associate professor of computer and information technology, is preparing for the ACM ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest) Regional Challenge, an October competition in Cincinnati sponsored by IBM.
For more information, please contact Whitney Ramer.
Written by Katia Hatter, katia@tdadvertising.com
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