Two Purdue Polytechnic Institute seniors are part of a three-person team whose company, Hydro Grow LLC, won the Schurz Innovation Challenge December 8.
Hydro Grow LLC has created a home-based hydroponics garden for people to grow their own produce indoors. The team will use their $5,000 prize to move their company forward as they start production in 2017.
The three-person team consists of founder and CEO Scott Massey, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering technology; Ivan Ball, a senior majoring in electrical engineering technology; and Jimmy Carlson, a sophomore majoring in computer science.
It is the second prize the invention has won this fall. It won the $5,000 first prize at the Innovation Connector Big Idea Pitch in Muncie, Indiana, as well.
Read more about the Schurz Innovation Challenge results.
Read the Purdue Exponent's coverage of Massey and the Big Idea Pitch win.