National Science Foundation

NSF grant will address disparities among Black engineering technology students

Anne Lucietto from Purdue Polytechnic's School of Engineering Technology has teamed up with a wide range of researchers to investigate disparities between African American student enrollment in engineering technology compared to other demographic groups. Lucietto was awarded nearly $300,000 by the National Science Foundation to undertake the project.

Magana's NSF CAREER research aims to improve engineering education

Alejandra Magana, assistant professor of computer and information technology, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award.

The $500,000 award, to be used over five years, will fund Magana’s research on identifying the best way to incorporate modeling and simulation practices into undergraduate engineering education.

Cyberinfrastructure workshop attracts leading young researchers

Tom Hacker, associate professor of computer and information technology, led an inaugural cyberinfrastructure workshop in Arlington, Va., in June with Suzanne Shontz, assistant professor of computer science and engineering at The Pennsylvania State University.

Funded by the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) new Office of Cyberinfrastructure, the workshop brought together the country’s leading young researchers (NSF CAREER award recipients) to discuss new topics in the field. Hacker and Shontz are both recent NSF CAREER awardees.
