As the December 2015 graduates move into their careers, we are profiling a few and finding out their future plans and how they arrived at this point in their lives.
Jason D. Patel, Evansville, Indiana
Engineering Leadership Development Prorgram, Sensus, Raleigh, North Carolina
Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering technology
Job duties
Since I am in a rotational program, I will have the opportunity to gain many different skills. I will work in the development of embedded systems all the way to contributing to the Radio Frequency Design of SmartGrid networks.
Purdue classes that helped Jason prepare for his job
Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Communications, and Analog Signal Processing
Other ways the college and/or Purdue provided preparation and assistance
The amount of different resources Purdue has given me contribute to my success . If it was not for the CCO my resume would still look unprofessional. The great teaching staff have always been there to help guide me and teach me new material, while always giving the opportunity to get extra help if needed. The experiences I have gained using different high class equipment, in my labs, makes me feel confident in any tools that I may use in the future.
Favorite quotation
The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense. - Thomas Edison
Thanks go to:
- All my professors that have given me the abilities I have today. Especially professors Mike Jacob, Jack Denton, and Thomas Oxtoby.
- My friends that have always been there.
- My Mom, Dad and sister, especially. They have given me everything, and if wasn't for them I wouldn't be the man I am today.