Claudio Martani

DUDL 4536
Dudley Hall, 363 N. Grant Street
Thursdays 1:00pm to 3:00pm, or available by appointment - please contact via email:
Claudio Martani is Assistant Professor at the Purdue School of Construction Management Technology, ICON-affiliated faculty, and Director of the Laboratory for Future-Ready Infrastructure (FuRI Lab). His research focuses on the development of innovative models for (i) assessing the level of infrastructure flexibility, resilience and responsiveness required to manage future uncertainty, and (ii) creating optimal risk-reducing interventions for construction and infrastructure. He is also
Dr. Martani is a former Research Associate at the IBI, D-BAUG of ETH Zürich (2015-2021), and at the Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC) of the University of Cambridge (2013-2015). He holds a PhD in Technology and Design for the Built Environment (TePAC) from the Politecnico di Milano (2013) - for which he developed a thesis on predictability and management of risk in the construction process - a MSc in Building Management and a BSc in Architecture from the same institution. He is also an alumnus of the Collegio di Milano, a residential interdisciplinary honours programme with a competitive admission process and extracurricular activities.
Whilst completing his PhD, Dr. Martani was appointed MIT-Italy fellow at the Senseable City Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT|SCL) and became a visiting researcher at the Virtual Development and Training Centre (VDTC) of the Fraunhofer Institute (IFF).
In the course of his academic career, Dr. Martani has worked in the areas of future-oriented design optimization, risk and resilience analysis, uncertainty modelling and scenario simulations, sensing and responding solutions for the built environment, as well as virtual space modelling and data management.
- Ph.D. in Technology and Design for the Built Environment (2013) - Politecnico di Milano
- MSc in Building Management Engineering (2008) - Politecnico di Milano
- BSc in in Architecture (2006) - Politecnico di Milano
- Qualified for the position of Associate Professor (Abilitazione scientifica nazionale – II fascia) in Italy for the sector 08/C1 Design of architectural technology (Design e progettazione tecnologica dell'architettura) - 2018
- Qualified for the Italian Institute of Chartered Engineers (Abilitazione all’esercizio della professione di Ingegnere Civile e Ambientale), from the Italian Ministry of Education - 2010
Appointed member of the Editorial Board of the ICE Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management (ISSN 2053-0242 | E-ISSN 2053-0250) on January 2022.
- ETHZ Netzwerk Stadt und Landschaft grant 2020 (10'000 CHF).
- Award Winning Paper from the Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management. On June 3, 2020, the paper “Estimating and communicating the risk of neglecting maintenance” ( was awarded the Infrastructure Asset Management Prize (Journal Prize for best paper in journal).
- Cambridge Clare Hall College life member, since In June 2015.
- MIT-Italy fellow 2011.
Journal articles:
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Hackl, J. (2021). Investing in water supply resilience considering future uncertainty and management flexibility. Smart Infrastructure and Construction. 40, 1-12.
- Martani, C., Adey, B. T., Urqulijo Robles, I, di Gennaro, F., Pardi, L., Beltran-Hernando, I., Toribio-Diaz, C., Jimenez Redondo, N., Moli Díaz, A.A. (2021). Estimating the resilience of, and targets for, a transport system using expert opinion. Infrastructure Asset Management, 40, 1-18.
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Kielhauser, C., Urqulijo Robles, I, Papathanasiou, N. and Burkhalter, M., Beltran-Hernando, I., Garcia-Sanchez, D. (2021). Estimating, and setting targets for, the resilience of transport infrastructure. Infrastructure Asset Management, 40, 1-24.
- Esders, M., Martani, C., & Adey, B. T. (2020). Evaluating Initial Building Designs Considering Possible Future Changes and Decision Flexibility: The Example of The New PET Centre of the University Hospital of Zurich. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 9(4), 12020021.
- Elvarsson, A. B., Martani, C., Adey, B. T. (2020). Considering automated vehicle deployment uncertainty in the design of optimal parking garages using real options. Journal of Building Engineering, 101703.
- Rota, F., Talamo, C., Paganin, G., Martani, C. (2020). A New Risk Management Methodology for Infrastructure Based on Real-Time Monitoring and Dynamic Interventions: An Example Application on an Air Handling Unit. CivilEng, 1(2), 132-153.
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Papathanasiou, N., Burkhalter, M. (2019). Estimating and communicating the risk of neglecting maintenance. Infrastructure Asset Management, 6(2), 109-128.
- Adey, B.T., Burkhalter, M., Martani, C., (2018) Defining and quantifying road service to plan maintenance interventions. Journal of Infrastructure Asset Management.
- Martani, C., Cattarinussi, L., Adey, B.T. (2018). A new process for the evaluation of the net-benefit of flexible ground-floor ceiling in the face of use transition uncertainty. Journal of Building Engineering, 15, pp.156–170.
- Mizutani, D., Burkhalter, M., Adey, B.T., Martani, C., Ramdas, V. (2017). Initial investigations into the use of three heuristic algorithms to determine optimal intervention programs for multiple railway objects. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction. Vol 6, No 3, September 2017, 1-20. Available at: Link;
- Martani, C., Papathanasiou, N., Adey, B.T. (2017). A Review of the State-of-the-Art in Railway Risk Management. International Journal of Railway, Vol. 10, No. 1 / June 2017, pp. 5-11;
- Kielhauser, C., Martani, C., Adey, B.T. (2017). The development of intervention programs for inland waterway networks using genetic algorithms. The Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 14(5), 550-564. Available at: Link;
- Burkhalter, M., Martani, C., Adey, B.T. (2017). Determination of Risk reducing Intervention Programs for Railway Lines and the Significance of Simplifications. ASCE’s Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 24(1): 04017038.
- Martani, C., Stent, S., Acikgoz, S., Soga, K., Bain, D., Jin, Y. (2017). Pedestrian monitoring techniques for crowd-flow prediction. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Smart Infrastructure and Construction, 1-11.
- Martani, C., Jin, Y., Soga, K., Scholtes, S. (2016). Design with Uncertainty: The Role of Future Options for Infrastructure Integration. ComputerāAided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31(10), 733-748.
- Talamo, C., Atta, N., Martani, C., Paganin, G. (2016). The integration of physical and digital urban infrastructures: the role of “Big data”. TECHNE-Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, (11), 217-225.
- Kumar, P., Martani, C., Morawska, L., Norford, L., Choudhary, R., Bell, M., Leach, M. (2016). Indoor air quality and energy management through real-time sensing in commercial buildings. Energy and Buildings, 111, 145-153.
- Kumar P., Morawska L., Martani C., , Biskos G., Neophytou M., Di Sabatino S., Bell M., Norford L., Britter R., The rise of low-cost sensing for managing air pollution in cities. Environment International 75 (2015) 199–205.
- Martani C., Talamo C., Paganin G. (2013). The control, at the design stage, of risks related to buildings management over time. TECHNE 6: Quality and effectiveness of the building process, October 2013.
- Martani C., Lee D., Robinson P., Britter R., Ratti C. (2012). ENERNET: Studying the dynamic relationship between building occupancy and energy consumption. Energy and Buildings 47 584–591.
Monographs, reports, codes and chapters in collective volumes:
Adey, T.B., Martani, C., et all. (2021). CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA), Guidelines for the assessment of resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive event (CWA 17819).
Burkhalter, M., Moghtadernejad, M., Hackl, J., Toribio Diaz, C., Moli Díaz, A.A., Martani, C., Adey, B.T., Jimenez Redondo, N., Pardi, L., di Gennaro, F., Urqulijo Robles, I, Beltran-Hernando, I. (2020). FORESEE project Deliverable D4.7: Final versions of the algorithms to determine optimal restoration and risk reduction intervention programs.
- Kielhauser, C., Martani, C., Adey, B. T. (2020). FORESEE project Deliverable D1.2: Guideline to set target levels of service and resilience for infrastructures.
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Kielhauser, C., Urqulijo Robles, I, Papathanasiou, N. and Burkhalter, M., Beltran-Hernando, I. (2020). FORESEE project Deliverable D1.1: Guideline to measure Levels of Service and resilience in infrastructures.
- Papathanasiou, N. Adey, B. T., Burkhalter, M, Martani, C. (2018). DESTination RAIL Deriverable D3.6: Risk assessment methodology.
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Papathanasiou, N., Burkhalter, M. (2018). DESTination RAIL Deriverable D3.5: Principles for estimating and communicating the risk of neglecting maintenance.
- Papathanasiou, N., Martani, C., Adey, B. T. (2016). DESTination RAIL Deliverable D3.2: Risk Assessemt Methodology.
- Martani C. (2015). Risk management in architectural design. Control of uncertainty over building Use and Maintenance. Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Polimi Springer Briefs, Springer, London.
- Martani C. (2013). La stima dei rischi nella sperimentazione progettuale. In Ottone F., Rossi M. (edited by), Theories and experimental design for research in architectural technology, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 343-348.
- Martani C. (2011). C9/ Infrastructureless Parking System in Senseable City Guide to Copenhagen 2. DUSP, MIT. SA+P press, Cambridge, pp. 51-58.
- Martani C. et all., contribution in Mangiarotti A., Costa E, Zanelli A. (2010). Progettare temporaneo fra basso impatto ambientale ed alta efficienza energetica, in Massimo L. (edited by), Materiale del V seminario Osdotta, Firenze University Press, Firenze.
- Martani C. (2009). Chapter 6.3 - Architettura e territorio, in Cambiamenti climatici. Collegio di Milano. Il Mulino editore, Bologna, pp. 306-328.
- Martani C. (2008). Criosfera - Le nevi, I ghiacciai e le calotte polari, in Quale clima ci attende? Scenari futuri fra catastrofismo e negazionismo. Collegio di Milano. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei editore, pp. 45-54.
Conference papers:
Poggiati, X., Ng, M.S., Martani, C., Hall, D.M. (2022). Assessing the adoption of sustainable materials in construction projects: a quantitative approach using Real Options. 38th Conference and Annual General Meeting, ARCOM 2022: Build Back Wiser. 5-7 September 2022.
Martani C., Torbido C. (2022) Measuring the resilience of, and prioritizing interventions for, road transport systems using expert opinion. XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress (PIARC2022). Calgary, Canada.
Hackl, J., Adey, B.T., Martani, C. (2021). Optimal Investment Decisions for Water Supply Resilience. The 25th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management (SCEM2021). 15 April, 2021. Taipei, Taiwan.
Martani, C., Talamo, C., Paganin, G., Campioli, A., Adey, B. T., Baum, A. (2021). A new methodology for promoting a sustainable regeneration of the European residential building stock, considering future uncertainty. EURA2021 – Contradictions shaping urban future. 6-7 May 2021. Oslo (online).
- Martani, C., Fiorot, N., González, A., Adey, B.T., Van Wezemael, J. (2020). Preparing offices for the age of distributed work. Evaluating the impact of flexible designs in coping with the uncertain future demand for office space. In proceedings of AUM2020. 28th of January, 2021. Cambridge, UK (online);
- Martani, C., Adey, B. T., Wenk, K. (2020). Determining optimal intervention strategies for bridges considering both gradual deterioration and sudden events. In proceedings of IALCCE 2020 - The Seventh International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering. October 27-30, 2020, Shanghai.
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Kielhauser, C., Urqulijo Robles, I, Papathanasiou, N. and Burkhalter, M., Beltran-Hernando, I., (2020). Guideline to measure service provided by, and resilience of, transport infrastructure. In proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.
- Esders, M., Adey, B. T., Martani, C. (2019). Evaluating initial building designs considering possible future changes: the example of the new pet center of the university hospital of Zurich. In proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Infrastructure and Construction (ICSIC), Cambridge: 8-10 July 2019.
- Adey, B. T., Lam, J. C., Martani, C. (2019). A methodology to estimate risk related to a one building school. In proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Infrastructure Asset Management (SIAM3). NYU Abu Dhabi Conference Center. March 31-April 1, 2019;
- Adey, B. T., Martani, C., Papathanasiou, N., Burkhalter, M. (2018). Principles for estimating and communicating the sustainability of intervention programs on infrastructures. In proceedings of AUM2018, UK. June 27-29. Cambridge;
- Martani, C., Papathanasiou, N., Adey, B.T. (2016). A Review of the State-of-the-Art in Railway Risk Management. In proceedings of ART 2016, Jeju, South Korea;
- Martani, C., Stent, S., Acikgoz, S. (2015). Real time station monitoring and modelling for peak flow management. Results of tests conducted on technology deployment at London Bridge Station and plans for future actions. In proceedings of AUM 2015. Cambridge, UK;
- Martani C., Jin Y., Soga K., Scholtes S. (2014). A new model for evaluating the future options of integrating ground source heat pumps in building construction. In proceedings of the conference ISNGI 2014, Vienna, October 2014.
- Martani C., Talamo C., Paganin G. (2013). The control of uncertainty over objective in architectural design. In proceedings of the SCo2013 conference, September 2013.
- Carmentae Infrastructure Management GmbH (CIM), Wermatswil (Switzerland). Consultant. Assisting Infrastructure managers in the construction and maintenance of future-proof infrastructure. 2020 – 2021