Gozdem Kilaz

Knoy 182
401 N. Grant Street
Gozdem Kilaz is Assistant Professor in School of Engineering Technology and Aviation and Transportation Technology (by courtesy) at Purdue University at West Lafayette, Indiana. She holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D degrees in Chemical Engineering. Currently, she serves as the Chief Scientist for the Air Transportation Institute for Environmental Sustainability (AirTIES). Her research is focused on aviation biofuels and sustainability. She is also a faculty member of the Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering (LORRE). She is one of 15 faculty fellows appointed by the Dean of Technology for the Purdue Polytechnic Initiative (PPI) targeting transformative innovation in learning. She also serves as the Faculty Advisor of Global Aviation Leadership Association (GALA) student organization. Her research interests, in the area of alternative liquid transportation fuels, include development, testing, and approval of biofuels. Dr. Kilaz established the Fuel Laboratory of Renewable Energy (FLORE) for chemical identification and properties testing of aviation fuels .
Post-doc Mechanical Engineering Technology, Purdue West Lafayette, Indiana, 2012-2014.
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 1997.
M.S. Chemical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey, 1999.
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 2005.
- 2019, Outstanding Graduate Mentor School of Engineering Technology
- 2019, Polytechnic Institute Outstanding Graduate Mentor
- 2016, Outstanding Faculty in Discovery, School of Engineering Technology
- 2016, Seed for Success Award at the Excellence in Research, Purdue University
- 2015, Outstanding Faculty in Discovery, School of Aviation and Transportation Technology
- 2015, Seed for Success Award at the Excellence in Research, Purdue University
- 2014, Polytechnic Dean's Instrument Award, Polytechnic Purdue
- 2014, Courtesy Faculty of Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering
- 2013, Faculty Fellow, Purdue Polytechnic Initiative College of Technology
Authentication/Age Detection of Electronics Components and Assemblies Using a Non-Destructive Methods
Organization: Indiana Innovation Institute
Co-PI, January 2019 - June 2019, $50,000
School of Engineering Technology Energy Transformation
Organization: Purdue University
Co-PI, June 2018, $75,000
17-18 Laboratory & University Core Facility Research Equipment Program
Organization: Purdue University
PI, March 2018 - June 2018, $99,000
Major Scientific Equipment Program
Organization: Purdue University
PI, April 2017 - July 2017, $60,000
NEPTUNE Center for Power and Energy Research Phase II
Organization: Office of Naval Research
Co-PI, March 2017 - March 2020, $3,000,000
16-17 Laboratory & University Core Facility Research Equipment Program
Organization: Purdue University
PI, March 2017 - June 2017, $46,250
Project 26: Drop-In Aviation Fuel Fire Safety
Organization: Federal Aviation Administration
PI, January 2017 - December 2017, $200,000
Project 19: Drop-in Aviation Fuel Fire Safety
Organization: Federal Aviation Administration
Co-PI, April 2016 - September 2017, $41,000
Multidimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry for Aviation Fuels
Organization: Office of Naval Research
PI, November 2015 - October 2016, $297,500
Renewable Acid-hydrolysis Condensation Hydrotreating (REACH) Pilot Plant Project
Organization: Mercurius Biorefining
Co-PI, October 2013 - September 2016, $92,000
NEPTUNE Center for Power and Energy Research
Organization: Office of Naval Research
Co-PI, September 2015 - August 2017, $2,000,000
Mercurius REACH Process Scale-Up
Organization: Indiana Corn Marketing Council
PI, June 2015 - June 2016, $75,000
Project 13: Alternative Aviation Fuels Fire Safety
Organization: Federal Aviation Administration
PI, January 2015 - January 2017, $800,000
FAA WJHTC Fuels Program - Rig Testing Support - Phase I
Organization: Federal Aviation Administration
Co-PI, September 2014 - December 2015, $1,505,000
Streamlining Corn Stover Pre-processing and Reducing Feedstock Costs
Organization: Indiana Corn Marketing Council
PI, July 2014 - June 2015, $85,800
Renewable Acid-hydrolysis Condensation Hydrotreating (REACH)Pilot Plant Project
Organization: Mercurius Biofuels
Co-PI, October 2013 - June 2014, $213,000
Vozka, P., Kilaz, G. (2020). A review of aviation turbine fuel chemical composition-property relations, Fuel, 268, 117391.
Manheim, J., Wehde, K., Zhang, W. T. J., Vozka, P., Romanczyk, M., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaaa, H. I. (2019). Identification and Quantitation of Linear Alkanes in Lubricant Base Oils by Using GC×GC/EI TOF Mass Spectrometry, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 30, 2670-2677.
Niyonsaba, E., Easton, M.W., Feng, E., Yu, Z., Zhang, Z., Sheng, H., Kong, J., Easterling, L.F., Milton, J., Chobanian, H.R., Deprez, N.R., Cancilla, M., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H.I. (2019). Differentiation of Deprotonated Acyl, N- and O-Glucuronide Drug Metabolites by Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry Based on Gas-Phase Ion-Molecule Reactions Followed by Collision-Activated Dissociation, Anal. Chem, 91 (17), 11388-11396.
Niyonsaba, E., Wehde, K. E., Yerabolu, R., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H. I. (2019) Determination of the chemical compositions of heavy, medium, and light crude oils by using the Distillation, Precipitation, Fractionation Mass Spectrometry (DPF MS) method, Fuel, 255.
Li, A., Vozka, P., Mastrean, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao L. (2019). Lean Flammability Limits of Alternative Aviation Fuels, Fire Safety Journal, 108.
Vozka, P., Vrtiška, D., Šimáček, P., Kilaz, G. (2019). Impact of Alternative Fuel Blending Components on Fuel Composition and Properties in Blends with Jet A, Energy & Fuels, 33 (4), p. 3275-3289.
Vozka, P., Kilaz, G. (2019). How to obtain a detailed chemical composition for middle distillates via GC×GC-FID without the need of GC×GC-TOF/MS, Fuel, 247, p. 368-377.
Luning Prak, D., Fries, J., Gober, R., Vozka, P., Kilaz, G., Johnson, T., Graft, S., Trulove, P., Cowart, J. (2019). Densities, Viscosities, Speeds of Sound, Bulk Moduli, Surface Tensions, and Flash Points of Quaternary Mixtures of n-Dodecane (1), n-Butylcyclohexane (2), n-Butylbenzene (3), and 2,2,4,4,6,8,8-Heptamethylnonane (4) at 0.1 MPa as Potential Surrogate Mixtures for Military Jet Fuel, JP-5, Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, Accepted.
Romanczyk, M.,Velasco, J.R.V., Xu, L., Vozka, P., Dissanayake, P., Wehde, K.E., Roe, N., Keating, E., Kilaz, G., Trice, R.W., Luning Prak, D.J., Kenttӓmaa, H. (2019). The capability of organic compounds to swell acrylonitrile butadiene o-rings and their effects on o-ring mechanical properties, Fuel, 238, p. 483-492.
Ramirez, J., Kenttämaa, H.I., Kilaz, G., Trice, R.W. (2019). Application of biofuel impurities and effect on the hot corrosion of yttria-stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology, 358, p. 340-346.
Vozka, P., Šimáček, P., Kilaz, G. (2018). Impact of HEFA Feedstocks on Fuel Composition and Properties in Blends with Jet A, Energy & Fuels, 32 (11), p. 11595-11606.
Vozka, P., Modereger B., Park, A., Zhang, J., Trice, R., Kenttamaa, H., Kilaz, G. (2018). Jet fuel density via GCxGC-FID, Fuel, 253C, p. 1052-1060.
D. Vrtiška, P. Vozka, V. Váchová, P. Šimáček, G. Kilaz. (2018). Prediction of HEFA content in jet fuel using FTIR and chemometric methods, Fuel, 236, p. 1458-1464.
Yerabolu, R., Kotha, R., Niyonsaba, E., Dong, X., Manheim, J., Kong, J., Riedeman, J., Romanczyk, M., Johnston, C., Kilaz, G., Kenttamaa, H. (2018). Molecular Profiling of Crude Oil by Using Distillation Precipitation Fractionation Mass Spectrometry (DPF-MS), Fuel, 234, p. 492-501.
- Vozka, P., Mo, H., Simacek, P., Kilaz, G. (2018). Middle distillates hydrogen content via GCxGC-FID, Talanta, Submitted.
- Zhao, X., Zhang, Y., Cooper, B.C., Vozka, P., Kilaz, G. (2018). Optimization of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC/TOF-MS) for conventional and alternative jet fuels analysis. Advanced Materials and Technologies Environmental Sciences, 2(1), p. 146-156.
- Luning Prak, D.J., Romanczyk, M., Wehde, K.E., Ye, S., McLaughlin, M., Luning Park, P.J., Foley, M.P., Kenttӓmaa , H.I., Trulove, P.C., Kilaz, G., Xu, X., Cowart, J.S. (2017). Analysis of Catalytic Hydrothermal Conversion Jet Fuel and Surrogate Mixture Formulation: Components, Properties, and Combustion. Energy and Fuels, 31, p. 13802-13814.
- Vozka, P., Orazgaliyeva, D., Šimáček, P., Blažek, J., Kilaz, G. (2017). Activity comparison of Ni-Mo/Al2O3 and Ni-Mo/TiO2 catalysts in hydroprocessing of middle petroleum distillates and their blend with rapeseed oil. Fuel Processing Technology, 167, p. 684-694.
- Zhang, X., Eren, N. M., Kreke, T., Mosier, N. S., Engelberth, A. S., Kilaz, G. (2017). Concentrated HCl Catalyzed 5-(Chloromethyl) furfural Production from Corn Stover of Varying Particle Sizes. BioEnergy Research, 1-7.
- Kilaz, G.; Brender, R.; Sterkenburg, R. (2015). Alternative Gas Turbine Fuels Education for Aviation Technologists. ATEC Journal, 37(1), p. 4-11.
- Kilaz, G., Bist, S., Lopp, D. W., Stanley, D. L., Tao, B. Y. (2014). Investigation of Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in Jet Fuel. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 1.
- Brender, R. F., Kilaz, G. (2014). Understanding ASTM Turbine Fuel Standard Specifications. International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 7(4), 124-133.
- Kilaz, G., Vozka, P. 2018. Set of standards for GC×GC-FID classification developing. U.S. Patent Application, filed October 2018. Patent Pending.
Conference proceedings
- Wehde, K., Romanczyk, M., Vozka, P., Ramírez, J.H., Trice, R., Kilaz, G., Kenttämaa, H. (2017, June). Composition Analysis of Aviation Fuels and Fuel Additives for Rational Development of Renewable Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at The 65th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Li, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao, L. (2017, November). Lean Flammability Limit of Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels and Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at 6th International Energetic Materials and their Applications, Sendai.
- Li, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao, L. (2017, October). Lean Flammability Limit of Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels and Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at China National Symposium on Combustion, Nanjing.
- Li, A., Kilaz, G., Qiao, L. (2017, April). Lean Flammability Limit of Pure Hydrocarbon Fuels and Aviation Fuels. Paper presented at 10th US National Combustion Meeting, University of Maryland.
- Kim, G., Futch, T., Sterkenburg, R., Ahsan, S., Kilaz, G., Kozak, B. (2017, February). Investigating The Effects of Fluid Intrusion on Nomex® Honeycomb Structures with Carbon Fiber Face Sheets. Paper presented at Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration, Jacksonville, FL.
- Kilaz, G., Sterkenburg, R. (2016, July). Hybrid Course Design in Manufacturing Courses to Improve Learning in the Classroom. Paper presented at American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE’s), New Orleans, LA.
- Futch, T. M., Kim, G., Zorilla, M., Kilaz, G., Sterkenburg, R. (2016, July). The effects of alternative turbine engine fuels on the mechanical properties of epoxy resin systems. Paper presented at Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE), Long Beach, CA.
- Futch, T. M., Musgrave, A., Kilaz, G., Sterkenburg, R. (2015, May). Investigating the Effects of Turbine Engine Fuels on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Aircraft Structures. Paper presented at Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), Baltimore, MD.
- Kilaz, G., Brender, R., Sterkenburg, R. (2015). Educating Future Aviation Technologists on ASTM Turbine Fuel Standard Specifications. Paper presented at Society for the Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (CIEC), Palm Springs, CA.
Student posters
- Vozka, P., Romanczyk, M., Velasco, J. R., Trice, R., Kenttämaa, H., & Kilaz, G., Trice, R. (2018, October). Relationship between fuel chemical composition and fuel properties. Poster presented on the Annual ONR NEPTUNE Program Review, UC Davis, CA.
- Wehde, K., Dong, X., Borgohain, R., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (June, 2017). Validation of Miniature Coreflood Device Developed for Enhanced Oil Recovery by Compositional Analysis of the Initial and Extracted Crude Oil. Poster presented at American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Manheim, J., Wehde, K., Zhang, J., Romanczyk, M., Vozka, P., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (June, 2017). Identification and Quantitation of Linear Saturated Hydrocarbons in Lubricant Base Oils by Using (APCI)LQIT MS and GCxGC/(EI)TOF MS. Poster submitted to American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference, San Diego, CA.
- Romanczyk, M., Velasco, J. R., Vozka, P., Xu, L., Wehde, K., Modereger, B.Trice, R., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (2017, November). Design of Next Generation Renewable Fuels.Poster presented at the ONR Neptune Program Review, Annapolis, MD.
- Romanczyk, M., Velasco, J. R., Wehde, K., Vozka, P., Modereger, B., Xu, L., Roe, N., Keating, E., Healy, J., Gordon, A., Trice, R., Kilaz, G., & Kenttämaa, H. (2017, May). Composition/Property/Performance Correlations for Rational Development of Renewable Aviation Fuels. Poster presented at the MIT Energy Initiative, Boston, MA.
- Vozka, P., Romanczyk, M., Wehde, K., Velasco, J. R., Trice, R., Kenttämaa, H., & Kilaz, G. (2017, May). Alternative Aviation Fuel Chemistry-Performance Correlations Towards a Sustainable Future. Poster presented at the Purdue Spring Reception 2017, West Lafayette, IN.
- Romanczyk, M., Wehde, K., Vozka, P., Kong, J., Velasco, J. R., Yerabolu, R., Kenttämaa, H., Kilaz, G., Trice, R. (2016, November). Fundamental Studies on Composition/Performance Correlations for Aviation Fuels. Poster presented on the Naval Enterprise Partnership Teaming with Universities for National Excellence, UC Davis, CA.
Professional Affiliations:
- ASTM committee member D02.9200 with voting status
- ASTM’s Aviation Turbine Fuel - (Jet A) Proficiency Testing Program
- American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)