Hands-on Learning

Guitar made from Mackey floor, crafted by Polytechnic student, auctioned for nearly $11K at Purdue vs. IU

Gryphon Mawhorter from Purdue Polytechnic's guitar lab returns with his latest creation: a guitar made of the old basketball court from Mackey Arena. An auction for the item will begin at the Purdue vs. IU men's basketball game, and will support the guitar lab's continued success.

Guitar lab student forges his own path with Polytechnic curriculum

Purdue Polytechnic's "guitar lab" remains one of Purdue's most popular courses. Gryphon Mawhorter’s lifelong passion for building guitars caught the attention of Mark French, who teaches the course. French appointed Mawhorter, a junior in audio engineering technology, to lab supervisor — and Mawhorter is now charting his own unique path in the Polytechnic.

Industry partners join IN-MaC's Pathway System to upskill young manufacturing professionals

The Indiana Manufacturing Competitiveness Center (IN-MaC) has launched Pathways, a program designed to place the best and brightest high schoolers on job sites with the most high-profile manufacturing companies in the state. And it works: the Pathways have placed so many Hoosier engineers in full-time jobs that IN-MaC is expanding to more states.
