
Nomination Process

  1. Collection of nominations - Deadline: October 15
  2. Nominations sent to department for review
  3. Alumni award committee meets and reviews nominations and makes recommendation to Dean on nominees to move forward
  4. Dean approves
  5. Letter to approved nominees - December 

*Please note - nominees not approved will be kept on file to use for other department awards made throughout the academic year and/or the next year's alumni awards ceremony.

Nomination Deadline

Nominations for the Early Career and Outstanding Technology Alumni Award must be submitted no later than October 15.

Nomination Form

Section 1: Nominator

Section 2: Brief Overview of Candidate

Section 3: Candidate Evaluation

Section 4:

Please list date, name of award, and who the recognition was presented by for any honors or awards.
List any activities by including year, name of organization, and their role.

Supporting Documents

For each nominee, the following supporting documents must be submitted via email to for the nomination to be complete: 

- (1) Letter of support 

- Nominee's resume