CODO or Dual Degree. Please follow instructions for more information below.
The demand for enrollment in some majors in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute currently exceeds the resource capacity to meet that demand. For this reason, the number of students accepted for CODO or Dual Degree into Computer and Information Technology (CIT) is limited. Therefore, CODO or Dual Degree requests into CIT are based on a semester-by-semester analysis of the total department enrollment and resources.
CODO GPA Requirement information* |
Beginning Fall 2017 Majors: CNIT, CSEC, DATA, INET, NENT, SAAD |
Accepted on a SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS after a holistic review |
Considered on remaining SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS after a holistic review |
*There are two GPA levels that students can qualify for consideration. Students are evaluated based on CODO requirements that were in place when the student matriculated. However, if the student leaves Purdue-WL and has to go through the re-entry or re-admission process to return, they can be held to new CODO requirements. All other requirements remain the same (i.e. completion of required courses, online tutorial, and submission of CODO request). Students who matriculated onto catalog terms prior to Fall 2017, please consult a CIT Advisor for more information.
To be familiarize yourself with the program and majors as you consider pursuing CODO or Dual Degree in Computer and Information Technology, complete the following:
Step 1 - View the CODO presentation, read the CIT Academic Policies and Guidelines and complete the questionnaire in the CODO presentation.
- CIT CODO Presentation Slides - includes link to application questionnaire (accessible on all browsers)
Step 2- After a CIT Advisor confirms that the application request is complete, the student is eligible to request the *online CODO form be submitted by the student’s current Academic Advisor. Current Polytechnic students are advised to meet with current advisor to communicate plans to change major: the online CODO form is not required. CODO requests must be submitted by the Thursday of Finals Week of the current semester for CODO consideration at the end of that semester. Students will be invited to attend optional meetings with CIT Advisors.
Step 3 - Complete a course from each of the following 3 categories with a minimum grade of C- or higher:
Category I: CNIT Course Requirement
Students with start date of Fall 21 or earlier: All Majors
CNIT 18000 or CNIT 17600 (must be taken or tested out of* at PWL campus or Polytechnic Statewide sites: Anderson, Columbus or Kokomo) *Testing out of all CODO in options is not recommended as students will not have the in class experience to help in determining if the CNIT class learning experience fits the students goals.
Students with start date of Fall 22 or later:
CNIT, DATA, INET and CSAD majors: CNIT 18000 or CNIT 17600
CSEC, CSEC/INET DUAL majors: CNIT 18200 or CNIT 17600
Category II: Composition or Humanities Selective or Introduction to Oral Communication (All approved University Core courses are allowed - indicate on survey which course(s) you completed.)
ENGL 10600, ENGL 10800, ENGL 10100, HONR 19903-Interdisciplinary Approaches in Writing or SCLA 10100 (Composition Selective)/ or ENGL 11000 (Humanities Selective)
OR Oral Communications Selective (COM 11400, COM 20400, COM 21700 or SCLA 10200, ) (AP, IB and transfer credit accepted)
Category III: Calculus
MA 16010 or equivalent (MA 16100, MA 16500) (AP, IB and transfer credit accepted)
Students on academic PROBATION may not CODO into the CIT program.
Course Requests: Students who have completed steps 1 & 2 will be eligible for course overrides for 10000 and 20000 level CNIT courses and TECH 12000. Requests for remaining CNIT course space must be submitted online through Scheduling Assistant. All students may submit requests during the batch pre-registration process. If there is space, students will be approved during this time. If space is limited and approval isn't received at this time, students may resubmit requests during open registration. These requests will be evaluated during the open registration weeks. Students who have submitted an application will be given early consideration. All other requests will be considered after the semester grades post and during open registration periods. Students are not eligible for 30000 level or higher CNIT courses until the CODO request is approved.