
The School of Aviation and Transportation Technology (SATT) requires an internship or professional experience for all SATT majors. A minimum of 160 hours of work experience is required. This requirement may be satisfied through documented work experience at an approved employer or service agency. Examples of such organizations include, but are not limited to, Purdue Aviation LLC, aviation or aerospace companies, government agencies, or non-aviation companies that are of specific career interest to the student. Students who need academic credit should discuss AT 433 with an advisor and must register before starting the internship.

In order to receive credit for the internship or professional work experience, the following documents are required within one month of internship completion:

  • Student information form with company information and expectations
  • Evaluation by the student supervisor
  • A 3-page reflection paper detailing the student’s experience and skills learned that are significant to his/her career goals.

*Only completed and professional internship packets will be submitted to the SATT Department Designee for review.

SATT Internship Requirement Form