
West Lafayette
Laboratory/Facility Title Location Lab Type
Scanning Probe Microscopy Lab LMBS B257D Research Labs
Smart and Sustainable Workforce and Infrastructure Data-driven Evolution (S2-WIDE) Research Labs
Smart Foundry LMBS B239 Instructional Labs
Smart Learning Factory DUDL 4353 Research Labs, Instructional Labs
Smart Machine & Assistive Robotics Technology (SMART) Lab POTR 141 Research Labs
SOET Open Lab DUDL 5117 Instructional Labs
Soils Lab Knoy B028 Instructional Labs
Sustainable Infrastructure and ManUfacturing Lab (SIMU Lab) DUDL 4518 & Knoy B028 & POTR 205 Research Labs
Trimble Technology Lab DUDL 1389 Instructional Labs
Ubiquitous and Mobile Investigative Techniques and Technologies (UMIT²) HEAV 104 Research Labs
