First-year Polytechnic student honored as Emerging Leader

Hayley Grisez (front, center) is a member of the Honors College Racing Crew for Purdue Grand Prix.

Hayley Grisez (front, center) is a member of the Honors College Racing Crew for Purdue Grand Prix.

Hayley Grisez, a rising sophomore studying engineering/technology teacher education (ETTE) in the Department of Technology, Leadership & Innovation, was honored with Purdue Student Life’s Emerging Leader award. The designation is exclusively for students who participate in campus activities and organizations “with enthusiasm, motivation, communication, organizational skills and encouragement to others.”

During her first year at Purdue, Grisez participated in several student organizations, including Women in Technology, the professional social media start-up CultureU, and the residential club for the Honors Colleges. However, the two student organizations she feels most contributed to her nomination are the Honors College Racing Crew for Purdue Grand Prix and TEECA (Technology and Engineering Education Collegiate Association), a group that provides professional development and creates leaders in the field of technology engineering education through competitive events and conference seminars. Purdue’s TEECA team competes against other schools in technology and engineering problem-solving challenges and teaching-related events.

The Honors College Racing Crew's car for Purdue Grand Prix

The Honors College Racing Crew's car for Purdue Grand Prix

“Taking the leap to try these new things was totally worth it because I love them so much, and being acknowledged as an Emerging Leader means a lot to me,” said Grisez. “Receiving the award encourages me to keep up my dedication to my activities and to work to be even better at what I do by being enthusiastic and excited to make a positive difference in these clubs and to others. It gives me confidence that I am where I am for a reason, and that I am prepared to serve in the leadership positions I have now and may take in the future.”

Daphne Fauber is both the national TEECA president and president of the Purdue TEECA chapter. The rising junior, who, like Grisez, is majoring in engineering/technology teacher education, was instrumental in nominating Grisez.

“Hayley is phenomenal to work with, due to her attention to detail, communication skills, passion, creativity and professionalism,” said Fauber. “She has a drive to make the world a better place and to have fun while doing so.

“During her first semester in TEECA, Hayley spearheaded the Teaching Lesson event team by working with a graduating senior to develop an original lesson plan and teach it to a panel of judges. The team won second place in their competition for their superb pedagogy, professionalism and originality,” Fauber said. “Hayley was also foundational to the success of the Educational Display event team, where she assisted in the construction and ideation of a poster to explain ways to make lab spaces more environmentally sustainable. Because of our professional execution and creativity, Purdue TEECA placed first in that event. Hayley has also been Team Leader for the Problem-Solving National Competition team, where she has been leading her team in the development of a to-scale autonomous restaurant. Furthermore, Hayley is usually one of the last people to leave every meeting and is quick to ask others if they need help.”

Purdue Polytechnic’s award-winning TEECA team included Hayley Grisez, third from right, and Daphne Fauber, fifth from right.

Purdue Polytechnic’s award-winning TEECA team included Hayley Grisez, third from right, and Daphne Fauber, fifth from right.

Grisez is quick to share credit for her award.

“I appreciate even being nominated because it shows how the teams I am involved with work together, and celebrate and recognize each other. My major and professors do a great job of preparing us through different opportunities in all different areas that our major can take us.

“Even after I was admitted (to Purdue), I took a tour of the ETTE lab and met my professors and my excitement doubled! The workspaces, opportunities and community of professors and peers are beyond what I could have imagined. I feel so at home in the Polytechnic and especially in my major,” said Grisez.

When she graduates in 2023, Grisez plans to teach technology education in either a K-12 school or makerspace environment.

“I am still exploring what my options are,” said Grisez. “I want to create resources and experiences for people to get excited about technology and life.”

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