Purdue Polytechnic Institute professors hope to discover an untapped potential in high school students through the first Purdue University Cybersecurity Camp June 12-17.
The on-campus camp is the first to be offered to students in the Midwest through the GenCyber student program with funding provided jointly by the National Security Agency and the National Science Foundation. Forty students from ninth to 12th grades are expected from Illinois, Ohio, Tennessee, Washington state and Indiana – including the Lafayette and Indianapolis areas.
“It’s going to be really nice to open those doors to them,” said Kathryn C. Seigfried-Spellar, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer and Information Technology. “Some of them don’t think of cybersecurity as a career. They think of computer science or computer engineering. They don’t think of the other options they have now.”
Read the full story from Purdue News Service.
Read more about the Purdue camp.