Funded research awards for April 2020. Bolded names are Purdue Polytechnic faculty or staff; starred names are the principal investigators.
CHS: Small: Improving Everyday Ethics in Sociotechnical Practice
Investigator(s): Colin Gray**; Sponsor: National Science Foundation; Polytechnic: $16,000 -
Development of an Integrated Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Validation Center
Investigator(s): John Mott, Robert Connor**, Ayman, Habib; Sponsor: Indiana Dept. of Transportation; Polytechnic: $25,000.00; Total: $100,000 -
Artificial Intelligence and Manufacturing Workforce Development
Investigator(s): Ragu Athinarayanan**, Roberto Gallardo, Indraneel Kumar; Sponsor: Industry Partner; Polytechnic: $32,915.74; Total: $96,811 -
Modular River Current Energy Converter (MRCEC) with High-efficiency and Smart Operation
Investigator(s): Haiyan H. Zhang, Jun Chenn**, Charles Jensen; Sponsor: US Dept. of Energy; Polytechnic: $104,999.70; Total: $349,999 -
IAHE Expenses
Investigator(s): John Sheffield**; Sponsor: Intnl Assoc for Hydrogen Energy; Polytechnic: $10,000.00
**Indicates principal investigator
Total Polytechnic awards = $188,651.75